Business Onboarding Videos: Capturing the Culture of Your Business Through a Mini-Documentary

Written by: Jimmy Newson

Jimmy Newson is the founder and CEO of Moving Forward Small Business, a membership-based digital publishing company on a mission to save a million small businesses from failure by 2050. He presents workshops and training regularly with Start Small Think Big, NY Public Library, SCORE, Digital Marketing World Forum, DC Start-Up Week, and international SaaS companies.


October 8, 2018

Building and maintaining a productive and positive business team means unifying your core business message, establishing a consistent communications model and tapping into the leadership potential of your key individuals while increasing their effectiveness. When personalities and individual dynamics are involved, a work culture can take on a life of its own. In order for your leaders, managers, and key administration people to fall into place and inspire action, attitude and results from your team – and your clients – advanced knowledge of what and who they are dealing with can go a long way.

turned on MacBook Pro beside Apple Magic Mouse

Generic leadership training, interpersonal and “soft-skills” training tool videos are available from a variety of sources, but they don’t touch on the unique elements or the style of your particular business. Even in the same industry, and with similar business models, rarely do two companies have the same philosophy, management style, or ambiance and certainly, they never have the same staff or clientele.

Often times, like-minded people attract like flies to honey. It’s interesting how foodies, fisherman, and football fans seem to find each other. Instead of an ordinary annual company BBQ, for example, does your particular company have an annual Cooking Class? Does your office staff bond on casual Fridays by sharing in homemade soup day for lunch during the winter? Does your annual hum-drum holiday party happen in January at a football game? Instead of entertaining clients at a restaurant meal, does your company take clients on fishing trips? Does a poodle accompany your CEO to work? Allow your new hires and key allies the opportunity to catch on the culture and enthusiasm that may drive the business from the very start. You can achieve this with a uniquely targeted training video that goes beyond germane out-of-the-can training videos.

For some individuals, it may take weeks or even months to actually experience first-hand what is it like to be a member of your team during, say, the height of the busy season. A specially produced onboarding video that tells the story of your business culture, interviews key players and captures their passion for their job and relationships with clients. Such a video could be one of the most effective onboarding tools your business could ever offer. This type of leadership training video could mean a great deal to increased productivity and the speed in which your staff start out of the gate.

man holding camcorder with man near wall

The best way to start this process is to work with a professional video company with a documentary background. Documentary filmmakers have a specific skill in storytelling. From the onset, your video company should work to have a complete understanding, not only of the nature of your business, but the nature of the individuals who drive the business. From that springboard, storyboarding, scripting and various stages of pre-production will be reviewed, prior to production. Post production can be approached with a mindset of crafting a final cut that will capture the essence of your business environment.

JNL Media produces videos for small businesses, corporations, organizations and private clientele and delivers any format required, from DVD to digital for licensed distribution.

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